
How to operate rtty
How to operate rtty

how to operate rtty

Also about this time the use of LSB mode for AFSK generated Mark and Space tones was also set as a standard on all amateur bands so everyone could copy the tones generated with the Mark frequency as the low tone and Space as the high tone. Years ago the standard was set to use the frequency of the Mark tone. RTTY or DATA mode where you're using FSK to key the transceiver to send the Mark and Space tones, LSB, and USB where the proper tones are generated by a terminal unit, TNC, or sound card into the microphone connector in the transceiver. When you get there and call him you get no answer so you move up and down and finally find him on 3607.13! You think to yourself, I know my frequency readout can't be that for off! So you ask the other fellow what he is reading on his dial and he tells you it's exactly 3605.00! So whose frequency readout is way off? The strange answer is neither one! When you operate on a FSK mode like RTTY, Amtor, Pactor, and Packet you can end up with three different frequencies reading on your radio according to how you generate your Mark and Space tones. The answer is yes and you tell him to try 3605.00 and he agrees so off you go.

how to operate rtty

So you're on 40 meters after dark talking to someone in RTTY mode and the band is beginning to get long and you ask the other person your talking to if he would like to try 80 meters to continue the chat.

How to operate rtty