
Subliminal messages advertisements
Subliminal messages advertisements

I know this is blatantly obvious (I actually think this was done for a competition where whoever could spot the dollar bill would get a prize or something), but by doing this people who see the advertisement subconsciously associate the burger with being very cheap and in turn will probably go to KFC and purchase more of them. In this advertisement which advertises a chicken burger, a dollar bill is purposely posted on a piece of lettuce wedged between a burger. Sometimes subliminal messages (such as in the Pepsi ad) are added so blatantly in order to attract a lot of attention and raise sales.Īn example of non-sexual subliminal messaging is in this KFC advertisement (I'm sorry for some reason I can't seem to add the videos!!) :

subliminal messages advertisements

Usually subliminal messages are directed to our primary needs, so if sex is something humans need and want then we will unconsciously associate the product with being something that we need and want and sales will improve. Subliminal messages full of sexual imagery are so often incorporated stealthily into advertisements in order to raise sales. What appears as a cool, creative, innovative type of design on the Pepsi cans actually spells out "sex" when two cans are placed on top of each other.

subliminal messages advertisements

Shocking?Īnother more obvious example of sexual imagery in advertisements is one of Pepsis’ which was released in 1990: In fact, the red objects are an outline of a face as well as male genetalia. Advertisers have since long ago been accused of incorporating subliminal messages into their advertisements and coke is no different it is apparent from the enlarged picture on the right that there is highly sexualized imagery embedded in the ice cube. Initially this advertisement of coke may seem like just any other image of a refreshing beverage placed in a bucket of ice, but on a closer look one can see that there is in fact, more than meets the eye.

Subliminal messages advertisements